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Cornerstone Ranch News

Riding Lessons

HORSES, the most Precious Asset at Cornerstone Ranch

HORSES are the most precious asset you will find at Cornerstone Ranch. Calm, safe, well-mannered horses with good backgrounds for a fair price are hard to come by. When we get lucky enough to find a horse who may someday be suitable for the Ranch, the purchase is made, and a horse transportation service is…

Featured Wrangler – Gigi!

I grew up on a small horse farm in Vermont and really wanted to get back into riding and working around Horses so I saw this ad for Cornerstone and immediately had to jump on the opportunity! I started working at Cornerstone Ranch in October 2023 and have loved every minute spent working on the…

Horses Are The Best Farm Animal

Join us in our dedication toward better horsemanship and advocacy for all horses. Horses are without a doubt the most important farm animal! Here are recent statistics which serve as testament to this statement: The horse industry contributes $50 billion to the US economy. There are 90,000 wild horses in just 10 western US. The…

Franklin Technical School Welding Project

Local school’s new welding project displayed at Cornerstone Ranch Two hard-working students at Franklin County Technical School created the beautiful new wrought iron horse head decoration as part of a fundraiser to support the school shop’s Certification program. The students, Hunter Lanoue and Colby Merit, who raises and rides Morgan horses, built a total of…

Wrangler Feature: Maddie

1. When did you start riding at Cornerstone and did you first discover Cornerstone, as a student, trail rider, or staff inquiry? I first started riding at Cornerstone about 10 years ago, and I began as a consistent lesson student throughout middle school and some of high school. I then worked in our Wild Child…

Benefits of Riding Horses at Cornerstone Ranch

Benefits of Riding Horses at Cornerstone Ranch For Adults and Children From almost as far back as I can remember, animals have always been a part of my life. Starting with my first hamster, Gertie, when I was five years old and E.T. had just come out in theaters, I have always found joy in…

Licensed Riding Instructor Overcomes Challenges to Take the Reins With Like-Minded Instructors From Across the USA

Julia Connell travels to Arizona to further horsemanship skills while benefiting the horses and students with whom she works.

View the Cornerstone Ranch downloadable Riding Options Brochure

Cornerstone Ranch riding options brochure View the Cornerstone Ranch Riding Options Brochure @import url(; #pgc-3623-0-0 { width:100%;width:calc(100% – ( 0 * 30px ) ) } #pl-3623 #panel-3623-0-0-0 { } #pl-3623 .so-panel { margin-bottom:35px } #pl-3623 .so-panel:last-child { margin-bottom:0px } @media (max-width:780px){ #pg-3623-0.panel-no-style, #pg-3623-0.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style { -webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column } #pg-3623-0 > .panel-grid-cell , #pg-3623-0 > .panel-row-style…

June 2019 Accelerated Learn to Ride Clinic

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Slider_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] @import url(; #pgc-3320-0-0 { width:100%;width:calc(100% – ( 0 * 30px ) ) } #pl-3320 #panel-3320-0-0-0 { } #pl-3320 .so-panel { margin-bottom:35px } #pl-3320 .so-panel:last-child { margin-bottom:0px } @media (max-width:780px){ #pg-3320-0.panel-no-style, #pg-3320-0.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style { -webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column } #pg-3320-0 > .panel-grid-cell , #pg-3320-0 > .panel-row-style > .panel-grid-cell { width:100%;margin-right:0 } #pl-3320 .panel-grid-cell { padding:0 }…

Lunge Lessons with Julia

A lunge lesson with Julia will improve core strength, balance, rhythm and timing. Book your lunge lesson or email if you have a specific time request and we will work with you to get you here for a lesson. Lunge lessons are a great way to ride better for your horse’s comfort and happiness.