Adults (ages 16+) who wish to be considered to volunteer at Cornerstone Ranch: please provide a completed CORI and our Volunteer Application form below, as well as a copy of your driver’s license. You may request your own CORI here:
https://www.mass.gov/how-to/request-cori-as-an-individual. We will then get in touch with you so we can arrange an interview to determine if you will be a good fit for volunteering.
Free riding time and riding on trail rides is not being offered for volunteers at this time.
We also believe that Junior Volunteers’ horse farm experiences can be safe and rewarding for them with proper limits in place.
For Junior Volunteers (children ages 12-15 not employed at the Ranch), we require the following:
- Minimum 3 months, weekly riding lessons with a licensed riding instructor at the Ranch.
- Ongoing weekly riding instruction scheduled at the Ranch.
- Three hours minimum/maximum volunteer hours to be spent each time volunteering. This can be increased over time.
- Free riding time and riding on trail rides is not included with Jr. volunteering.
- Ranch rules and guidelines adopted will be discussed with volunteers at the start, and as warranted with the expectation of following.
This is for the safety of both volunteers and horses to ensure familiarity with the horses and how they are cared for.
Volunteer Application
Apply to volunteer at Cornerstone Ranch