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2022 / —

PRINCETON, MA, USA, November, 2022

The Bells Are On For Approaching Winter Sleigh Rides At Central Massachusetts Horse Ranch

Hold on to your hats for an old- fashioned, majestic horse-drawn ride! Local ranch ringing in traditions and making happy memories, with bells on.

Who said one needs reindeer to enjoy an amazing sleigh ride across the fresh blankets of snow?! Celebrating another successful trip around the sun, the team at Cornerstone Ranch is thrilled to finally begin pulling out the family seater sleighs and prepping the horses (who are even more excited than their human teamsters) for the annual Winterfest horse-drawn rides! Perfect for all ages to add some winter day fun, everyone feels welcomed when they visit the Ranch to enjoy the snowy views, nostalgic vibes, and the beautiful essence of the holidays while enjoying a ride on a horse-drawn sleigh.

ride in a sleighSleighs travel down a path in the beautiful woods
of Central Massachusetts at Cornerstone Ranch

A Day in the Life of a Sleigh Driver
As the snowflakes begin to fall and the temperatures start to drop, that can only mean one thing: it’s time to start getting out the beautiful horse-drawn vehicles! Although all seasons are delightful at the Ranch and there is lots of enjoyment during every moment of those fabulously fun trail rides, riding lessons, birthday parties, family & company outings, and even equestrian yoga classes, there is something special about the horses that pull the sleighs. These incredibly intuitive animals seem to understand how important rides are for the holiday spirit, and they get their own waves of excitement as they start seeing the people arrive and the sleighs and harnesses come together.

-Sleighs/harnesses/bells inspected & polished? Check.

-Campfire ablaze with hot chocolate and sā€™mores? Check.

-Trails through the forest tended to and beautiful? Check.

-Multiple pairs of trusty steeds ready to take out happy customers? Triple check.


All in all, a day in the life of a sleigh driver is certainly a busy oneā€”but every effort is more than worth it by how many memories and oftentimes traditions formed along the way. Because if there is one thing for sure, activities at the Ranch are all about bringing people together during one of the most connective and grateful times of the year. For Cornerstone Ranch, there is truly no better way to do that (and celebrate the holiday spirit) than an old-fashioned sleigh ride across the snow.

“Creating these special experiences is truly an honor and a privilege. Not so long ago, horse-drawn travel was a necessity which many people probably did not want to give up for automobiles.ā€ Susan Connell, company founder and sleigh driver at Cornerstone Ranch.

Red SleighA snowy fun ride in a sleigh through a field at the Ranch

Memory Making

ā€œO’er the fields we go; laughing all the way…ā€ this is how many of us imagine spending our winter days with those we love. Cornerstone Ranch takes pleasure in being able to help make that vision a reality. Truly in the end, sleigh drivers are nothing shy of amazing, especially since they are a part of so many cherished memories being made with every person that comes along for the ride. That being said, everyone is invited to come and enjoy a festive horse- drawn ride across the beautiful paths blanketed in fresh snow.Becauseā€”take it from a sleigh driverā€”there’s nothing quite like the feeling of gliding through the frosty air surrounded by the stunning, magical winter landscape. But more importantly, doing so alongside your family and friends who you cherish the most.

PS: Dress warm, and bring the snuggliest blankets.

Susan Connell
Cornerstone Ranch LLC
+1 978-464-1501
email us here
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For more information and to choose a horseback adventure, visit

From $60

Book a horse-drawn sleigh ride with hot chocolate and s’mores in the wintertime, or a horse-drawn ranch tour with ice cream in the warmer weather. If you have a party larger than what the ride allows, book a second ride at the same time and we’ll take two pairs of horses for your group. Please let us know if we need to add more rides to the schedule to accommodate your fun adventure!

From $16.00

Yoga for transformation of body and mind. Whether you’re on your mat, on your horse or on your way out the door; Yoga practice will increase strength and flexibility, bring clarity and focus to mind and improve balance and confidence. Yoga is for anyone, it is an invitation to discover oneself beyond the continuous internal chatter.
Join us for a yoga session taught by one of the best instructors East of the Mississippi; Princeton’s own: Diane Featherstone!